
Liebherr installs megamixer

Meet Liebherr’s largest concrete mixing tower

Liebherr has installed its largest concrete mixing tower, the Betomat V 1010, commissioned by prefab company Alfons Greten, located in Essen, Germany. It is only the second time its range toping mixing tower has been installed.

With a diameter of 10.5m and an overall height of 32 m, the Betomat V 1010 has eight chambers which provide a storage capacity of approximately 1,000m³ for aggregates.

The plant is loaded via a rotary distributor belt installed in the upper section of the tower construction. Approximately 500 tonnes of cement, fillers and microsilica can be stored in five cement silos.

For customers, the plant may be specified with two Eirich mixer systems upon special request. The state-of-the-art Liebherr Litronic-MPS III mixing plant control ensures quick and uncomplicated discharge of the concrete in production halls.

The commissioning company, Alfons Greten, has been producing prefabricated reinforced concrete elements for the agricultural sector for more than 50 years.

The new mixing plant will be used to produce quality concrete required predominantly for the manufacture of prefabricated parts for stables or driving silos.


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