GlobalData projection based on factors including over 10% contraction this year amid effects of Covid-19, low oil prices and public spending cuts....
Angitha Pradeep analyses the impact of Abu Dhabi’s efforts to encourage greater collaboration between the private and public sectors, and what it...
CRUX Insight calls for industry re-set to withstand COVID crunch, says HKA. The astonishing toll of overrunning costs and schedules on major...
Angitha Pradeep looks at the ten biggest trends that are shaping the construction sector's move towards a sustainable future. The World Economic...
Have recent events accelerated the use of existing technology? Lightfield's Rupert Tait asks.. Think the Construction Industry won't be disrupted by technology?...
Parties may also wish to explore the option of suspension before proceeding to a termination, writes King & Wood Malleson's Parnika Chaturvedi....
Xylem Metrology Business' emerging markets VP Dominique Lerouge on dealing with mounting work orders as critical infrastructure issues are addressed. As we...
CDM Smith leveraged Bentley software to implement digital roadway design and save 50% of design hours. As the most populous city in...
There’s a real appetite for digital transformation in the Middle East, with the PMO driving progress, says Gavin Britton, technology director, UAE...
Trimble on how the Coronavirus pandemic could accelerate a significant shift to the adoption of new technology in construction. Technology has been...