Talks underway to finalise Bahrain/Saudi railway link

Key element of the Gulf Railway Network will utilise and reconfigure the King Hamad Causeway

Bahraini transport officials have met with senior officials from the GCC Railways Authority to discuss the next stage of developments on the major railway project that is set to connect Bahrain and Saudi Arabia via the King Hamad Causeway. As a key part of the Gulf Railway Network, it will then link to the wider GCC network.
On arrival, Hussein Ali Yaqoub, Assistant Undersecretary of Land Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation & Telecommunications, received the GCC Railways Authority delegation led by Nasser Hamad Al Qahtani and Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Samaani.
The assistant undersecretary commended the authority’s role in the development of the railway sector in the GCC and for co-ordinating among the member states regarding the railway project.
The meeting reviewed the developments of the transitional phase of the King Hamad Causeway project, developments in preparing the railway track on the Bahraini side and the King Hamad International Station in Al Ramli.
The meeting with the high-level GCC delegation also discussed details of engineering designs and meeting points between the two Kingdoms.
The GCC Railways Authority, established in 2022, is mandated with shaping the general policy for the Gulf Railway Network and co-ordinating among the member states to follow up on the implementation and operation of the complete project.