Digital Project Collaboration Free learning sessions
Our industry is being disrupted like never before, and in light of this current situation, we have created a 4-part learning and enablement series designed to help you understand today's technology around global collaboration and highlight the many benefits to the construction and infrastructure industry in general.
Reserve your spot now to join these free learning sessions
Part 1 - Learning session: Pandemic Response | The Ultimate test Project Delivery is changing, are you? Now available on demand
Part 2 - Learning session: Collaboration | Removing Roadblocks Can you solve the global collaboration challenge? Now available on demand
Part 3 - Learning session: Data | Where the value lies Need better insights into the health of your projects? Live session: September 15th, 11:30 AM GST (Free spots now available)
Part 4 - Learning session: Environment | One place for all Where is your Single Source of Truth? Live session: September 29th, 11:30 AM GST (Book in advance now)
By attending these sessions you will learn:
To adopt strategies and business models to not just survive but thrive.
Benefits of technology and automation on centrally managed resources
The business advantage to be gained by a Common Data Environment
How industry leaders at PGESCO are integrating with a CDE
How analytics and insights allow for confident informed data-driven decisions.
How to maintain productivity across the entire project team regardless of location.
We look forward to seeing you soon virtually. Stay safe and wish you a Happy Learning experience!
Lead your firm into the Era of Digital Project Delivery.
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