
Al-Bahar rebuilds Caterpillar off-highway truck for Doha Quarry

Old machines given new lease of life under Cat Certified Rebuild Program

PHOTO: Raed Limoun, general manager of Doha Quarry (pictured left), with Ahmad Taha of Al-Bahar. Credit: MEConstructionNews.com

Caterpillar equipment dealer Mohammed Abdulrahman Al-Bahar has successfully delivered a rebuilt 771D off-highway truck to Qatar-based Doha Quarry’s site in Fujairah, UAE.

Sharjah-based Al-Bahar, the Cat dealer for the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain, is currently rebuilding seven off-highway trucks for Doha Quarry, representatives told Construction Machinery ME.

The dealer handed over the fifth truck it had rebuilt so far for the quarry, in a project that started in 2013. The machines are outfitted under the Cat Certified Rebuild Program, which offers a like-new machine with a like-new warranty and a new serial number, at a fraction of the cost of a new machine. The machines are outfitted with new parts to give them a fresh lease of life.

Rebuilding an old machine costs 40-50% the price of buying a new one, depending on the model and condition of the equipment, said Ahmad Taha, Senior Product Support Engineer – Service and Spare Parts, at Al-Bahar.

“As the customer’s operations are very critical, we cannot get all the machines in the same time in the workshop. So we planned with the customer to do these machines one by one,” Taha said.

Raed Limoun, general manager at Doha Quarry, said he has seen a significant difference in productivity of the quarry with the four rebuilt trucks that Al-Bahar has delivered.

Rebuilding old machines causes your assets to appreciate instead of depreciate, Limoun noted.

“The idea is to go for rebuilding your assets […] and to get the benefit of these machines with very low cost,” Limoun said.

“Before, each dumper could deliver 2,500 – 2,800 tonnes per 18 hours. Now each machine after rebuilding is delivering 4,000 tonnes,” said Limoun.

Moreover, the quarry manager pointed out he had also seen considerable savings on costs of repairing the machines, once they were rebuilt.

While in 2012 Limoun had spent AED 600,000 ($163,000) on replacing the tyres of the dump trucks, in 2014 the process cost him just AED 400,000 (about $109,000), he added.

More information is available on www.albahar.com

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