GCC to deliver joint message at International Labour Conference

UAE assistant-undersecretary says GCC member states taking efforts to improve labour market conditions

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The assistant-undersecretary of labour affairs for the UAE’s Ministry of Labour said “proper” communication channels need to be built between the corresponding ministries of all GCC members, and called upon the Executive Office of the GCC Council of Labour Ministers to enable the same.
Following a meeting of the GCC undersecretaries of labour ministries, the UAE’s Humaid bin Deemas Al Suwaidi said GCC countries are “making huge efforts to establish high standards for policies governing the labour market.”
Representatives and employers of workers from the GCC states participated in the meeting to develop worker laws, relations and legislations in their respective countries. The appointment of GCC member delegates to the committees of ILC, and a unified GCC message to be delivered at the conference’s plenary session were also discussed at the meeting.
The preparatory meeting was held on the sidelines of the 103rd session of the International Labour Conference Organisation (ILC) being held between 28 May and 12 June at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) in Switzerland. ILC is a part of the International Labour Organisation (ILO.)