Tender Updates: December 2013

Big Project ME, in conjunction with Middle East Tenders, presents the biggest tenders for the month of December

Project Number: MPP2845-IQ
Project Name: Kirkuk – Haditha Crude Oil Pipeline Project
Territory: Iraq
Client Name: North Oil Company (Iraq)
City: Kirkuk
Postal/Zip Code: 1
Country: Iraq
Phone: (+964-50) 250 000
Fax: (+964-50) 255 399
e-mail: nociraq@noc-iraq.com
Construction of a 180-kilometre-long, 40-inch crude oil pipeline for connecting an oil field to distribution and storage facilities.
Budget: $500,000,000
Status: New Tender
This new pipeline will connect Kirkuk oil field to distribution and storage facilities at Haditha. The planned pipeline will connect IT1-A and K-3 pumping stations. K-3, in the Al-Anbar province is the middle point of Iraq’s North and South oil companies, with facilities to store and pump crude oil. IT1-A is the second station along Iraq-Turkey pipeline route, located southwest of Mosul, and 181 kilometres from the K-3 station.
Two intermediate pumping stations, known as K-2 and K-2W will also be connected to the pipeline. The aim of this scheme is to transfer crude oil in two directions, carrying Basra crude from South Oil Company from K-3 station to IT1-A and Kirkuk crude towards K-3. Client has issued a tender for the main contract and expects to receive bids in January 2014.
Tender Categories: Oilfields & Refineries
Tender Products: Crude Transportation, Storage & Distribution
Project Number: ZPR360-IQ
Project Name: Duhok International Airport Project – Phase 1
Territory: Iraq
Client Name: Civil Aviation Authority (Iraq)
Address: Baghdad International Airport, Babylon Terminal, 2nd Floor
City: Baghdad
Country: Iraq
Phone: (+964-1) 813 2467 / (+964-790) 531 9779
Fax: (+964-1) 543 0689
e-mail: ops@iraqcaa.com
Website: http://www.iraqcaa.com
Construction of an international airport in Duhok with annual capacity of 328,000 passengers – Phase 1.
Period: 2015
Status: Current Project
This project is in Iraq. The purpose to build this airport is to provide a hub for visitors to the tourist sites in Duhok. Scope of work includes:
– A 12,000 square metre passenger terminal
– (10 Nos.) check-in desks
– Duty-free shops
– A mini market
– A bureau de change
– Banks
– A mosque
– A baggage-handling system
– 4 gates
– A 2-kilometre-long runway
– A control tower.
A joint venture of Turkey’s Makyol and Cengiz has officially been awarded the main contract on this project.
Design Consultant: Dar Al Handasah (Shair & Partners) – Iraq
Design Consultant-2: Aeroports de Paris – AdP (France)
Main Contractor: Makyol Construction Industry Tourism & Trading Company (Turkey)
Main Contractor(2): Cengiz Holding (Turkey)
Tender Categories: Airport, Construction & Contracting, Roads, Bridges & Infrastructure, Tender Products, Airports Development & Management
Project Number: MPP2381-IQ
Project Name: Baghdad Monorail Project
Territory: Iraq
Client Name: Baghdad Governorate (Iraq)
Address: Near Al Khalani Area
City: Baghdad
Country: Iraq
Phone: (+964-5) 377 676 / (+964-7) 4002 2618
e-mail: admin@baghdad.gov.iq
Website: http://www.baghdad.gov.iq
Development of 25-kilometre-long monorail on a viaduct comprising (14) stations in Baghdad.
Budget: $1,500,000,000
Period: 2018
Status: Current Project
This project is in Iraq. Known as the Baghdad Elevated Train scheme, it will be developed with Transport Ministry and Baghdad Investment Authority, and operate alongside the metro. The first line of monorail will run from Mustansiriya to the Central Station in Alawi al-Hilla in central Baghdad via Waziriya, Shaab, Sarafiya bridge and Buratha mosque, Abdulmohsin al-Kazimi Square, Eden Square and Muthanna Airport.
The second line will run from Baya area to Doora highway via Oqba Square and will end at Masbah metro station. Alstom has signed an estimated $40-million contract with government of Baghdad for the design phase of the scheme, including civil works, electromechanical studies, ground analysis, infrastructure and topography. It is aiming to work on the construction phase, which is estimated to last (5) years.
Main Contractor: Alstom Transport (France)
Tender Categories: Public Transportation Projects
Tender Products: Railways