Construction work on Kuwait International Airport achieves significant headway

Work on the airport has entered fast track around the re-construction and restoration of the eastern runway and services infrastructure in the facility southern section, a spokesperson said

Construction work on the Kuwait International Airport is progressing well, with the project’s third package nearing the 76% completion mark, it has been announced. The third package includes the construction of a new control tower and runway, as well as the revamp and modernisation of a second runway.
According to a KUNA report, citing a top civil aviation official, significant headway has been made in the execution of the project, mainly the third package for the renovation of the airport. Saad Al Otaibi, the Directorate-General of Civil Aviation, added that the third package includes four main components, the first of which is the construction of a new control tower, and equipping it with the latest navigation systems and the second component is the construction of a runway.
Some 88% of work for building a new observation tower and installing state-of-the-art navigation equipment has been done, he stated, highlighting that the third component includes the reconstruction, modernisation and development of the eastern runway. The fourth is linked to infrastructure services for the southern region of the airport, he continued.
In November 2021, Kuwait’s DGCA announced a $8.2bn investment plant for its international airport and, in January 2022, the country announced plans for a new airport.
Al Otaibi added that work on the Kuwait airport has entered fast track for the re-construction and restoration of the eastern runway and services infrastructure in the facility southern section. He also said plans were afoot to appoint an international operator to upgrade the air aviation and train national cadres to run the vital facility.
“Tenders will be floated for selecting an international investor to operate T2 terminal,” he said, pointing to the successful experience regarding T4, which was inaugurated in 2018.
The tenders will be also designed to draw investors for managing and operating cargo and the terminal for private aircraft, he concluded.
In August 2022, Al Bateen Executive Airport said it was recommencing full operations.