
IPAF launches ‘Women in Powered Access’ initiative

Increasing awareness of growing opportunities for women in the industry is set to a be key focus of the new initiative

The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) has launched Women in Powered Access, an initiative that aims to outline career pathways and recognise the contributions of women in the industry. It was launched at the recent Vertikal Days 2022 in the UK, and comes on the back of the appointment of new IPAF President Karin Nars, who became the first woman elected to the role at the IPAF AGM, in London, in March.

The initiative is set to include a number of key actions, including providing a platform to tell the stories of women in powered access in both the media and at industry events.

In describing the new Women in Powered Access initiative, Nars said that inclusion is important as it enables people “to share different perspectives in a supportive environment’ whilst safety is a joint effort to which everybody can contribute to.”

She added: “With the Women in Powered Access initiative, we invite women of all ages and different professional roles to share their stories of inclusivity. Through these stories and role models, we want to communicate the broad opportunities our industry can offer women. And we do not want to compare or exclude anyone. We are inviting everybody with a passion for our industry, and a passion for safety in powered access, to be heard and to contribute.”

As part of the initiative IPAF has vowed to promote and sustain inclusivity in the powered access industry.

“That is why we are launching this Women in Powered Access initiative. Over the next few months, we will be giving a platform to various women who are brilliant examples of achievement and success in our industry, in a variety of different roles,” concluded Peter Douglas, CEO & Managing Director of IPAF.

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