Allison and Hyundai pass automatic landmark

1,000 of Hyundai Motor Company’s Mighty trucks equipped with the Allison 1000 xFE fully automatic transmission sold since mid-2020

Allison Transmission Korea has revealed that 1,000 of Hyundai Motor Company’s Mighty trucks equipped with the Allison 1000 xFE fully automatic transmission have been sold since its launch in June 2020.

The Hyundai Mighty is a 2.5- and 3.5-ton light-duty truck, which has unrivaled market share in South Korea. Hyundai Mighty trucks with Allison fully automatic transmissions provide better driving convenience, fuel economy, reliability and productivity than the manual transmission equipped Mighty trucks.

To celebrate the successful launch, Allison Transmission held an event with the owner of the 1,000th Hyundai Mighty equipped with the 1000 xFE™ fully automatic transmission. Gyung-Jae Joo, who lives in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, was the 1000th customer to purchase a Hyundai Mighty with an Allison fully automatic transmission. He received his Mighty truck in December 2020 from Gold Van, a company specialising in shipping fresh food and food materials to Seoul and Gyeonggi Province.

“I’ve recently changed my job to a pick-up and delivery business. A friend of mine in the distribution industry recommended Allison Transmission, so I chose a Mighty truck equipped with the fully automatic transmission,” said Gyung-Jae Joo “I usually drive for more than 12 hours a day from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., and I am very satisfied with Allison Automatics because I do not need to manually shift the gears.

“Also, I believe that it provides excellent safety because I only have to pay attention to the traffic flow ahead. I didn’t feel much pressure by the price of the fully automatic transmission options in Mighty because they were around KRW 3 million. I’m very satisfied with the fuel efficiency and the low cost of maintenance of this vehicle as only Allison approved fluid needs to be replaced periodically.”

“Hyundai Mighty trucks equipped with Allison fully automatic transmissions have been on a steep sales growth since its mass production in June 2020. This is the result of a fully automatic transmission entering the light-duty truck segment and thereby satisfying the needs of customers who wanted an automatic light duty truck,” said Kyoungmee Lee, Regional Director of Allison Transmission Korea. “Hyundai Mighty trucks have always enjoyed a high level of customer trust. Together with Allison Automatics, Hyundai brings to the South Korean market trucks that are backed by more than 100 year old company steeped in reliability and durability.”

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