
Sharjah Municipality signs MoU with American Concrete Institute

Sharjah Municipality to work with the American Concrete Institute to review the latest standards for the concrete industry, as part of the MoU

Sharjah Municipality has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) to enhance the cooperation between the two parties in the field of construction. Sharjah Municipality and the ACI will review the latest standards for the industry, as part of the MoU.

In this context, Thabet Al Tarifi, director-general of the Sharjah Municipality, stated that the MoU aims to strengthen cooperation and coordination with the ACI to combine and integrate efforts to reach the highest levels of progress.

Such endeavours will positively reflect on the achievement of sustainable development goals through research and innovation of practical theories, especially during the continuous meetings and specialised conferences that are organised by the two parties, he added.

Eng. Khalifa bin Hadda Al Suwaidi, assistant director-general of Engineering and Building Sector, indicated that the MoU contributes to widening of horizons with the ACI to promote the work of each party separately in the field of construction and building.

He added that this is in addition to the continuation of mutual visits between the two parties and the exchange of experiences, technical information, publications and lectures. Al Suwaidi further noted that the municipality is keen, through the engineering and buildings sector, to continuously improve its engineering services, develop human cadres and learn about the latest global practices and developments in the field of engineering and construction.

Al Suwaidi concluded that the cooperation with the ACI and coordination regarding the American codes and their developments, especially the American Building Code (ACI-318) and (ACI-562), which the municipality applies to all construction works, including design, implementation and rehabilitation of buildings and facilities.


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