DUBAI launches first ?green roofs? initiative

Dubai Municipality has teamed up with suppliers to launch a public awareness campaign to encourage ‘green’ roofs in the Emirate.
Dubai Municipality has teamed up with suppliers to launch a public awareness campaign to encourage ‘green’ roofs in the Emirate
The campaign has been jointly launched in conjunction with al Yousuf Horticulture and Landscaping, BMC Gulf trading and renewed solutions; all companies which specialise specifically in agriculture technology and landscaping.
Models will be distributed for display as part of an integrated plan to clarify the engineering idea of green roofs in a much simpler way so that all categories of the society understand it easily, explained Dubai Municipality head of corporate marketing and exhibitions Farhan Al Marzouqi.
In addition to that, educational publications will be provided by the municipality to support the idea clearly. This will be done with the participation of shopping centres and markets, which will provide space to display the models.
The Green roofs project aims at transforming the roofs of all buildings and houses in Dubai to cultivated areas and use water generated from air conditioners to irrigate plants. the project will be implemented gradually and in line with the Green Buildings Project.