Egypt working on $1bn road infrastructure projects, says Sisi

President of Egypt reveals total cost of establishing 40 bridges in East Cairo

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El Sisi has revealed that the total cost of establishing 40 bridges in East Cairo has reached a cost of $1 billion.
According to a report on state TV, Sisi said that the cost of each bridge ranges between $18.9 million and $25.3 million. The announcement came during a celebration of the conclusion of drilling at the Suez Canal’s Ahmed Hamdy Tunnel 2, which is set to open in July 2021.
Meanwhile, Egypt Today, an English-language monthly news magazine, reported that authorities are finalising the third metro line in Greater Cairo. With this, the number of metro lines connecting Giza, Cairo and Qalyoubeya together will become six by 2030, the report added.
Furthermore, the Egyptian Ministry of Housing and New Urban Communities Authorities (NUCA) had earlier announced that work is ongoing on a number of roads and bridges projects in New Alamein City at a combined cost of $160.8 million.
The projects include the rerouting of the 38-kilometre long International Coastal Road (Alexandria-Matrouh), which is likely to be completed within the next month.