
Oman’s Haya Water sewage plant expected to begin operations in Q3

Plant will have a processing capacity of 37,000cu/m per day

Oman Wastewater Services Company (Haya Water) has said that construction work is progressing at pace on its new sewage water treatment plant in the Darsait area of the sultanate. The plant is being built in response to the growing population base in the area.

According to a report by the Oman News Agency, the plant is on track to begin operations in Q3 of this year.

“The construction of a new STP in Darsait comes in line with the rapid development of the population, as the plant is designed with the latest technologies to treat sewage and control odour,” said Engineer Hussain bin Hassan AbdullHussain, CEO of Haya Water.

Once complete, the plant will boast a processing capacity of 37,000cu/m per day.

He added, “After the operation of the sewage treatment plant, we will also link the residential, commercial and governmental buildings in the areas in Wadi Kabir, Ruwi and other areas that belong to the wilayat of Muttrah to the new plant.”

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