Filipino architect community in Dubai urged to improve competitiveness

300 Filipino architects at Town Hall 2018 celebrate diversity and progress

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Almost 300 Filipino Registered Licensed Architects gathered in VOX Cinemas (DCC) for the launch of Town Hall 2018 in August. During the event discussions for an array of relevant topics to the field of architecture were held with the goal of motivating the Filipino architects within the UAE with the progression of each individual’s careers.
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) Country Representative Christian Vasquez highlighted the importance evolving for the Filipino Architectural Community; emphasising the accelerating pressures imposed by the industry on globalisation and advancing technology that impacts the progression of the Filipino Global Architects.
He also called each individual to “action and move forward in seeking professional growth and global competitiveness.”
Dubai’s population of design and construction professionals is massively organic and quite competitive. With the city’s fast-paced development and the ambitious sense of accomplishing projects, being an architect in Dubai is quite challenging. Thus, continuously developing one’s self is a necessity to keep up with this progressive notion.
Consequently, belonging to a community that promotes professional growth is an additive to keeping with the current and future trends within the industry. The Filipino architect community aspires to continually build such in support of one another in exploring the diversity of the profession.
The event commenced with a panel of speakers who are active in the Filipino community and veterans in their own fields, discussing the significance of being part of a professional community.
The conversation revolved around the context of advancements, as well as challenges, encountered by architects in the decade and views of the evolving market trends and mind-sets.
It was evident that technology played a great role in the development of skill-sets of the professionals and the importance of the continuing education to upgrade knowledge of these tools.
The discussion also touched upon different socio-economic factors within the region and how it influences decisions that both directly and indirectly impacts career goals.
The main highlight of Town Hall 2018 was the sharing of compelling stories of 8 individuals. 8 life experiences, 8 views, 8 minds; as professionals, as persons, as architects. ‘8×8’ is a series of talks where the speakers were given 8 minutes on a specific focused topic and the impacts of these concepts and ideologies on their career journey.
The talks accentuated on the personal context of determination, ingenuity, and commitment. As the practice of architecture is so diverse, the speakers were handpicked to represent different facets of the profession, those specialists in design, technical detailing, and management.
The team Core Creative who had curated the 8×8 talks created the objective of stimulating the minds of the listeners to advance their thinking as leading professionals in the United Arab Emirates. Words of wisdom in sparking discussion and building confidence in the community of Filipino Architects. Certain parameters were set by the team as to the tone and appropriateness to the context of the platform.