Qurashi petition refused by Dubai Cassation Court

Petition to quash a final conviction for $1.9m bounced cheque denied by judge

The Dubai Cassation Court has refused a petition by British businessman Safi Qurashi to quash a final conviction for bouncing a $1.9m cheque.
A report by Gulf News said that the court decided that Qurashi did issue the cheque that bounced due to lack of funds. Qurashi, who was serving a seven- year sentence for issuing three bounced cheques, had two convictions overturned last week and was released on bail pending trial in a fourth case.
“According to the Cassation Court’s decision last week, the judge dropped the cases against Qurashi because he was convinced that the amount of the cheques was paid,” Qurashi’s lawyer Eisa Bin Haider told the daily.
“However a new police complaint was lodged against him on January 2, for issuing a bounced cheque worth $1.63m. We lodged three special petitions in which we asked prosecutors to release Qurashi because he had paid the amounts of the cheques. The three petitions were referred to the highest court,” said Bin Haider.