
Abu Dhabi construction wages up by 4.9% in July 2012

Report also finds that steel and cement prices decline in the UAE capital while transport equipment costs rise

The Statistics Centre of Abu Dhabi has found that the average wage of construction workers increased by 4.9% in July 2012 compared to the previous month, the Centre said in a report released on Thursday.

According to data gathered for the report, rises in wages ranged from 8% for drivers to 16.7% for electricians.

Labour costs were based on hourly rates and were calculated to include food, accommodation, transport and safety equipment.

Furthermore, the report found that the local construction industry saw several changes in a number of building materials groups.

Steel saw its average price fall by 2.8% as the prices of most of the items in the sector retreated. Decreases ranged from 0.6% for high tensile steel to 12.2% for steel bars.

Cement also saw its average monthly price drop by 3.7%, which was a reflection of the 20% fall in the price of lime. Concrete also fell by 4.1% in July 2012 compared to June, due to proportional falls in all items in this group.

However, other sectors of the construction industry saw the average price of renting transport equipment rise by 3.3% over the course of the month, the SCAD report said.



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