
Work environment costing MENA firms contract wins

Survey results show that first impressions have an influence on procurement decisions

A survey of 1172 CEOs and directors from across the MENA region has concluded first impressions are costing the region’s businesses up to AED2m every year.

A direct correlation between professionalism and the look of a company’s offices was reported by 85% of respondents, with contributing factors named as: dirty or untidy offices (70%); unpleasant smells (66%); noisy or chaotic offices (52%); and cheap or outdated décor (52%).

The survey, commissioned by organisers of The Office Exhibition and conducted with YouGov, concluded without further explanation that first impressions are “influencing procurement decisions” to the tune of AED2m; the results were referred to as “astonishing”.

“These results confirm, with quantifiable evidence, what we and the design industry have always known,” says David Wilson, event director of The Office Exhibition.

“Businesses in the region need to take a good look at what their work environment says about their company. Ignoring this could literally mean they are throwing contracts away.”

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