
Dubai to add pyramids to skyline

Falconcity of Wonders waiting for go ahead from Dubai Municipality to recreate yet another Wonder of the World

Replicas of the Egyptian landmarks could soon be gracing Dubai’s skyline.

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The Pyramids of Egypt are set to be the latest addition to Dubai’s skyline within the next 30 months, according to the developers behind the Falconcity of Wonders.

Salem Al Moosa, chairman of the project, told Emirates 24/7, a UAE based news website, that the 11 storey pyramid would be built at a cost of $32.6m, and would house offices and a museum. The project is expected to be completed within 24 to 30 months, after it receives clearance from the authorities.

“We are building a small pyramid and we are waiting to get the building permit from Dubai Municipality. The Pyramid will contain offices and a museum which will speak of the UAE and  the world civilisations,” he said.

“It will be a good educational aid to our generations. Once ready, we will have special buses to bring students who can understand about their country and the other civilizations,” Al Moosa told the website.

Despite the mega-project being hit by the financial crisis, with regards to sub-developers not being able to commence work on their projects, Al Moosa said that work had continued on the infrastructure of the $12bn Falconcity.

“We have been working all these times to get the infrastructure done the sewerage, potable water, irrigation water, piping, telephone lines, etc. By the way, we have also created an underground sewerage treatment plant that deals with 15,000 cubic metres of sewerage daily,” he explained.

Furthermore, the company is currently developing the ‘Falcon Head’ shopping mall, a project which will provide visitors with a ‘difference shopping experience’, Al Moosa claimed.

Last week, the Link Global Group, a Dubai based real estate developer, announced plans to build a $1bn replica of the Taj Mahal. The Taj Arabia will comprise of a 300 room, five star hotel and seven Mughal themed buildings, consisting of retail and residential elements. It is scheduled to open by 2014.

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