Enerpac brings Titanic lifters to the region

Latest hydraulic technology capableof lifting 75,000 tons launched by Enerpac

High-precision hydraulic equipment, which can move loads heavier than the Titanic, has been introduced to the region by Enerpac Integrated Solutions Middle East.
The Titanic lifter, named for its maximum capacity load, uses 700-bar technology to centrally control compact, high-pressure hydraulic cylinders. The lifters are used in construction, manoeuvring and positioning and can work to a 1mm precision. The technology can also account for variation in load over the floor or keel of the structure.
The Titanic can lift up to 75,000 tons while retaining its high precision, according to the company. They are suitable for use on drilling platforms, exploration machinery, bridges, wharves and loading facilities.
The products were showcased at the OSEA Asia Exhibition held in Singapore at the end of last month. Wang commented that the exhibition showcase was “timely” as South Asia intensified its onshore and offshore resources development, including deep drilling projects in more than 1000m of water.
“This means system operators can maintain outstanding control over huge numbers of cylinders to apply exact force in particular parts of a structure as it is hoisted for weighing or balancing, or prior to skidding into position for launch,” said Enerpac South East Asia managing director Joseph Wang.