Burj deemed a lightning magnet?

It is expected that Burj Khalifa will be struck by lightning “thousands of times a year”, an Emaar spokesperson told the Big Projec
It is expected that Burj Khalifa will be struck by lightning “thousands of times a year”, an Emaar spokesperson told the Big Project. “Lightning is always attracted to the tallest object around and as the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa will attract a lot of lightning; this is a natural phenomenon that cannot be avoided,” said the spokesperson.
However, Emaar Saidburj Khalifa has been designed such that when struck by lightning the electricity will be conducted internally through the building and into the foundations where it is discharged into the earth.
“In fact, Burj Khalifa has incorporated an active lightning system into its design which will actively attract electrical discharges before they build up to large voltages, then discharge them safely into the ground”, added Emaar for a case study on January’s Burj Khalifa launch.