
Saudi committee proposes inter-company labour-sharing

Council of Saudi Chambers presents proposal that will allow labourers to be shared amongst contractors

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Saudi companies may soon be lawfully permitted to borrow workers from each other as a measure to cope with labour shortage.

The Council of Saudi Chambers (CSC) presented a proposal to the country’s Labour Ministry requesting that companies be allowed to borrow workers from other firms to ensure smooth execution of public and private projects, which has of-late been stunted due to the country’s campaign against illegal immigrants.

Observing the hurdles in project completion faced by contracting companies, the Industry and Trade Committee of CSC suggested workers could be borrowed, based on agreements that list out the scope of work, cities where the workers will be deployed, salary and working hours.

“This will help the private sector get out of the present crisis,” said Saeed Al-Bassami, vice-chairman of the National Transport Committee, stating the proposal was made after in-depth studies into the scenario.

“The transport sector is one of the worst affected by the shortage of workers,” added Al-Bassami, who fears that the shortage of workers could lead to rising prices of goods and services. He further informed the charges to transport goods across ports, warehouses and cities had already increased by 50-100%.


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