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Initial reaction: Will PMV Live make a big impression?

Abu Dhabi's NFT cranes heads a robust list of local players

Abu Dhabi’s NFT cranes heads a robust list of local players

Prior to the Big-5, with which the PMV Live event is co-located, I spoke to a number of companies that for a variety of reasons had turned down the opportunity to exhibit at this year’s event.

Their main concern was whether they would get value out of it. Bauma China is in a couple of weeks and industry behemoth Bauma returns early in 2013. With InterMat Middle East attracting a few crucial big names such as JCB, Liebherr and Doosan last month, it is fair to say that, on the machinery front at least, it would not be unreasonable to assume that this is the toughest event to sell to exhibitors since the bottom fell out of the floor of the UAE and Gulf market in 2009.

On the visitor side, there has never been more choice for equipment buyers. Bauma will always be about new launches. Bauma China will be about Chinese and asian exports. InterMat Middle East, bravely pitched itself to them as a global show for a local market (and enjoyed only mixed results as a result) and did its best to draft in recognisable players. It would be understandable if they were confused about whether PMV Live and the related Middle East Concrete – both perhaps unfairly considered sideshows to Big-5 – was an event where they need to carry a cheque book.

However there is genuine quality about the exhibitors here even if it is a little light on the heavy equipment side compared to say, Bauma. There is also the robust programme of conferences and seminars there this week. All of which are worthy of your attention.

The organisers have clearly worked hard at ramping up the ‘experience’ inside Hall Saeed where the PMV Live and MEC 2012 event share space. Wisely there is now a German Pavilion in situ, meaning you can finally visit the show and not wear out your shoe leather trying to meet relevant people for our industry. I spent the first day in this section alone and came away with a full and rounded picture of where people are doing business and the challenges that we are facing in not just the Gulf but the Middle East as a whole.

There is also a special forum – where CMME will be moderating the crane safety session today – located right in the middle of the hall which has been a quiet revelation.

While the inside area is the best yet, the outside area compares less favourably. That is not to say that brands like MAN Trucks, Hyundai, Hino, XGMA are not showing strong products but it lacks a hook like Sany’s displays of last year. Returning exhibitors have told me that the area lacks the through traffic of before.

It is fair to say that halfway through the event there hasn’t yet been a headline grabbing sale story, contract award or truly innovative product launches. The exhibitors meanwhile are either playing the half-full or half-empty card about their attendance, but, from a visitor point of view, there is a lot to gain in Dubai this week.

If you are looking for new tech and are up to speed with the headline acts then maybe you should be preparing to fly to one of the Bauma shows. If however you want to find out where the market is heading in terms of opportunities and on the ground/in the field information pack up your notepad and head on down. You will genuinely benefit.



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