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ACCIONA to cut direct emissions through acquisition of electrical machinery via decarbonisation fund

ACCIONA said that it has recently acquired electrical machinery for use in construction projects that it undertakes all over the world. The pilot project is said to be part of the company’s decarbonisation plan and is said to set it apart as the first Spanish construction company to invest in electrical machinery.

According to a statement, the firm purchased four telescopic handlers and two rotating dumpers, which will mainly be used in urban construction projects. Thanks to their 100% electrical operation, great improvements are made in reducing pollutant emissions and noise levels on site, it noted.

The first of the handlers, bought by the company from JCB through its distributor WALKIA, was handed over to ACCIONA’s Machinery Depot in Seville, Spain. Following a series of tests, it is being used in a housing construction project in Cádiz province, South of Spain. The other three machines of this type are expected to be delivered before the end of 2022, the company explained.

In August 2022, ALEC Energy and Stantec signed a MoU to establish a roadmap towards achieving decarbonisation and sustainable energy goals. Later in August 2022, the MOCCAE unveiled a pledge designed to boost the private sector’s contribution to UAE’s Net Zero by 2050 initiative.

Overall, it is estimated that the use of this electrical machinery could reduce up to 100t of CO2 emissions, the firm pointed out.

ACCIONA notes that it has also launched the ACCIONA Decarbonisation Fund and is keen to reduce its direct emissions and those generated by its energy consumption by 60% between 2017 and 2030, aiming at the target of the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming to no more than 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels. The move is said to be in response to the latest scientific studies on climate change.

The fund will finance projects which show potential for significantly reducing emissions. The purchase of electrical machinery is one of the initiatives that will receive support from the company’s decarbonisation fund, the company concluded.

In early September 2022, Abu Dhabi’s DoE revealed new policies to accelerate the UAE’s move towards Net Zero.

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