First the wheels came off the Spanish economy and now hands have come off steering wheels of Volvo trucks and cars on its highways in Volvo’s successful trial of self-drive technology.
The Swedish vehicle and machinery maker said that a convoy of trucks and cars tested its Safe Road Trains for the Environment (SARTRE) technology over a course of 200 km on a Spanish highway near Barcelona in May.
Negotiating traffic and traveling at 120 kph the vehicle formed a convoy behind a lead FH truck driven by a professional driver. Volvo explained that the vehicles in the road train were equipped with safety systems including cameras, radar and laser sensors, enabling them to monitor the lead vehicle and other vehicles on the road. Using a WiFi system developed by Ricardo UK, the vehicles accelerated, braked and turned in exactly the same way as the leader.
According to Volvo benefits of the system improves traffic safety, reduces environmental impact and cuts the risk of traffic tailbacks. It estimates that fuel savings due to slip streaming also cuts fuel consumption by 20%.
Volvo project leader Linda Wahlstrom was filmed as part of the convoy and said that she found time to sit back and do some light reading as the car continued to drive itself.
“It is quite funny to see the passing vehicles,” she said. “They are quite surprised seeing me not driving the car but reading a magazine.”