
The road goes on: UAE clarifies exceptions to summer working hours

The UAE’s ministry of labour has clarified the types of work that will be exempt from the summer midday break rules that start later this week.  Contractors working on the laying of asphalt and those pouring concrete will be exempt from the special regulations that prevent working from 12.30pm-3.00pm between the 15 June – 15 […]

Concrete pouring will continue at midday, said the ministry of labour

Concrete pouring will continue at midday, said the ministry of labour

The UAE’s ministry of labour has clarified the types of work that will be exempt from the summer midday break rules that start later this week. 

Contractors working on the laying of asphalt and those pouring concrete will be exempt from the special regulations that prevent working from 12.30pm-3.00pm between the 15 June – 15 September.

The UAE news agency WAM has reported that an administrative resolution issued by Mubarak Saeed Al Dhaheri, Ministry Undersecretary, specified technical activities which require non-stop work and how to give the workers times for rest and food.

These works not only include thelaying of asphalt and pouring concrete, but also “works necessary to avert danger and damage or to repair casual emergency faults like disconnection of water, oil and gas pipes, sewerage, electricity current, and disruption of vehicular traffic”.

The exemption also covers around-the-clock works that need a special government permit to do so as to avoid disruption of traffic flow and basic services, disconnection of power and communication services and other approved works.

Al Dhaheri said employers involved in these activities are demanded to provide workers with cold water, safety and health systems, and salt and lemon drinks and other materials approved by health authorities.

The resolutions obliges employers to provide first aid at work sites, adequate cooling systems and sunshades.

Mohsin Al Nasi, Director of Work Inspection at the Ministry, said inspectors will be deployed to follow up compliance of employers with these measures.


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