14 consultants answer RFP for Bahrain’s Al Ramli Housing project

Housing project comprises 400 three-bedroom units and a retail area of 1,152sqm

14 consultants have submitted bids to provide supervision consultancy services for plot four of the Al Ramli Housing Project, Bahrain’s Eskan Bank has announced.
According to a statement, the residential project will feature a total of 400 apartments (all three-bedroom units) and a retail area of 1,152sqm, in addition to car parking (with two lots per apartment).
Urban Vision; Tebodin Middle East; Ansari Engineering Services; Mazen Alumran Consulting Engineers; CEC Khatib & Alami; Alteraz Architectural Design; Madaen – Urban Planning & Civil Engineering; Al A Ali Engineering; Tashreeq Engineers Company; The Arab Architects and Pan Arab Consulting Engineers have responded to the RFP, bank officials noted.
Of the 14 RFPs that were submitted, four have been suspended according to the Bahrain Tender Board website.
Ansari Engineering Services and Alteraz Architectural Design provided bids based on two options, the bank explained.