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Light and compact from Doosan

The LSC light tower is being released for the Middle East and Africa

The LSC light tower is being released for the Middle East and Africa

Doosan Portable Power has launched a new 50 Hz version of the company’s LSC (LightSource Compact) portable light tower for markets in the Middle East and Africa. 

Designed for reliability and durability, the LSC light tower – also available as a 60 Hz model – is ideal for rental.  Applications include lighting on road and bridge construction sites, all general construction applications as well providing lighting for special events, emergency and disaster relief, oil and gas drilling and for mining and quarrying locations.

The light tower has a new power train based around the Kubota D1005 water-cooled diesel engine providing 8.5 kW at 1500 RPM (1800 RPM for the 60 Hz version) and meeting EPA Tier 4 final emission regulations.

Thanks to a high output alternator, the power rating of the LSC light tower has been increased to 6 kW. The additional power allows operators to fully utilise the light tower’s four 1,000-watt metal halide floodlights at the same time as using the unit’s receptacle power function. The fuel tank capacity allows an extended runtime to 64 hours (55 hours for the 60 Hz version).

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