The UAE accounts for nearly half the regional spend on roadworks in the GCC, with $58bn in projects underway or planned.
According to the latest figures released by Informa exhibitions, the UAE has $58bn worth of road and bridge projects planned or underway, representing nearly half of the total of regional spend.
The GCC region is pressing ahead with plans to improve its regional transportation infrastructure, with $121.3bn worth of road and bridge projects already underway, or in the planning phase.
Saudi Arabia is the second-largest spender, with $26.9bn allocated to upgrade the Kingdom’s transport infrastructure over the next five years, the data showed.
Qatar currently has $17bn worth of road projects, as it prepares its expansive transport network ahead of the Football World Cup in 2022, followed by Kuwait with $9bn of schemes in the pipeline over the next two years.
Oman and Bahrain round off the regional list, with $8bn of projects in various stages currently ongoing in Oman, and a further $2bn in Bahrain.