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89% of construction complete on Oman Pavilion at EXPO 2020 site

89% of construction work is complete on Oman’s country pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai and works are said to be on track for completion in June. The Oman Pavilion is in the Mobility Thematic District and will showcase the country’s nature, talent, expertise, innovative spirit, and youthful population, as well as its valuable resources and natural beauty.

According to a report by the Oman Observer, the country pavilion will bring to life its story of national progress through an exploration of frankincense.

The design of the pavilion is said to be inspired by Boswellia sacra – the tree from which the resin is harvested. The pavilion features an asymmetrical flowing form that is said to be reminiscent of the tree’s low, shade-giving branches, while the structure appears to envelop and protect life.

Visitors will pass through five zones, illuminating how frankincense contributed to Omani advancements in transportation, knowledge, manufacturing, sustainability, and exploration, the report added. The pavilion is said to be designed to connect minds across time and space, and will feature both large-scale, high-impact moments, as well as subtle interactive experiences created using Oman-developed augmented and mixed reality technology.

The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism and the commission responsible for the Oman Pavilion recently signed Al Raqi Business and Services Company to manage and operate the tourism services and information centre at the pavilion. As per the terms of the deal, the firm will provide all information, services, offers, and tour packages about the sultanate to visitors at the pavilion.

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