Foundation stone laid for new 700-bed hospital is Salalah, Oman

Project will be built over 94,400sqm spread over six floors and a ground level

The foundation stone has been laid for a new 700-bed Sultan Qaboos Hospital in Salalah, Oman’s Ministry of Health has announced. The project aims to bring better healthcare to the people of the Dhofar Governorate and is expected to be complete in four years.
Sayyid Mohammed bin Sultan bin Hamoud Al Busaidi, Minister of State and Governor of Dhofar, Dr Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Saidi, the Minister of Health and a number of other officials attended the foundation stone laying ceremony.
The project is being developed at a cost of $334m and will be built over 94,400sqm. It will feature six floors and a ground floor and is expected to have specialty wings for both men and women besides 25 labour rooms, two operation theatres and an integrated accident and emergency unit, a report from the The Oman Observer said.
The new hospital has been designed to meet future demands in the city and features a pharmacy, medical laboratories, a daycare unit, a room for minor operations, physiotherapy and chemotherapy units. The project also includes offices for an administration, services building, medical warehouses, auxiliary electric generators, and potable desalination devices.