OPWP issues RFP for two 500MW IPP solar projects

Firm is being advised by several consultants including Synergy Consulting, Fichtner and DLA Piper

An RFP has been issued to all prequalified bidders by Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) for a competitive tender for two, co-located Independent Power Projects (IPP). Nine energy project developer/developer consortiums are said to be competing for the Manah Solar I and Manah Solar II IPPs which will offer an aggregate capacity of 1GW.
The project will be the largest renewable energy venture of its kind when it opens for commercial operations in summer 2023, OPWP states. An area of over 1,200 hectares has been earmarked in the Wilayat of Manah for the implementation of the two IPPs.
The companies participating in the tender process include Acwa Power; Jinko Power; Marubeni, Power Construction Corporation of China and Total Solar International, along with consortiums of Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) and EDF Renewables; Eni/Softbank Energy; Korea Western Power Company/Hanyang Corporation/Solar Reserve Limited and Nafath Renewable Energy; Tag Energy and Al Shanfari.
According to a statement, the scope of each project covers the development, financing, design, engineering, construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of a 500 megawatt-peak (MWp) solar PV power plant and associated facilities.
The statement pointed out that Oman wants renewables to contribute between 10% and 16% of the sultanate’s generating capacity in the main interconnected system (MIS) by 2025, which will total about 2,800MW.