The Abu Dhabi Housing Authority (ADHA) has announced the launch of its new Robotic Process Automation (RPA) system. Through the launch the authority says it has achieved a quantum leap in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, and notes that the system is one of the most important technical systems it has adopted to develop and improve its services.
According to a statement, the RPA system has produced remarkable results in terms of business development and improvement, resulting in higher productivity, optimised operational efficiency and an increase in the number of completed transactions.
The ADHA notes that the RPA system contributes to an increase of 88% in application processing monthly, as it can handle more than 4,500 requests in a month, whereas an employee can handle only 2,400 requests during normal working hours each month.
The RPA system is said to be one of the many proposed innovative initiatives by the ADHA. The authority says the system was implemented to reduce effort, time, and costs of the process of reviewing housing applications.
The system is said to help automatically verify compliance with eligibility conditions and requirements and so contributes to improving customer satisfaction with the services provided by cutting delivery times, increasing accuracy and quality in the proceedings, and avoiding human error.