Doosan’s new XiteCloud smart construction solution to aid drive towards autonomous job-sites

Combined cloud service of 3D drone surveys and earthwork calculations launched in Korean giant’s home market ahead of wider global roll-out

Doosan Infracore has launched its new XiteCloud smart construction solution, which it terms as the first step towards commercialising the Concept-X integrated unmanned and automated control solution it demonstrated last year.
The South Korean equipment giant said in a statement that XiteCloud has been introduced initially in its home country. The solution uses complex 3D drone construction surveys and earthwork calculations uploaded on a cloud platform to maximise productivity, enabling results to be obtained in just one to two days.
Doosan added that following the successful introduction in South Korea, it intends to launch the XiteCloud solution in international markets in the near future.
“These events have opened the door to Doosan Infracore to further expand its business portfolio into the field of construction site management, to complement its existing operations in manufacturing and sales of construction equipment,” the statement added.
Contractors can use XiteCloud to manage multiple tasks such as surveys, terrain analysis, equipment operation and construction management on a single platform, reducing construction costs and saving time while increasing accuracy and raising productivity.
Earthwork site information can be digitised into three dimensions using the solutions while rock formations can be analysed as well. Being cloud-based, XiteCloud makes it easy for contractors and clients to jointly manage the progress of a project.
XiteCloud si also able to calculate exact work volumes on difficult terrain such as slopes and cliffs using advanced drone-based surveys. Complex construction surveys and earthwork calculations are completed by the solution within a couple of days by analysing vast amounts of field data, instead of the typical week or two that such tasks take.
Doosan said the technology has already gone through verification at more than ten large-scale apartment complex job-sites and infrastructure facilities in Korea and other places.
The statement added that at urban job-site, the XiteCloud platform analysed and calculated the work volume of rock formations discovered only after the project had kicked off, enabling the client and the contractor to reach an agreement on adjusting the construction period. The visualised 3D data enabled them to come to an agreement about additional construction costs as well as the extension of the construction period.
XiteCloud was also applied to a pilot project in Peru, South America, ahead of the development of a large-scale mine in the country. In a review, the client was quoted to have said: “XiteCloud provides a comprehensive project progress management service which serves to increase trust between client and contractor.”
Doosan plans to expand XiteCloud’s applicability to large-scale construction equipment by exploiting 5G mobile technology and telematics. The company said it is planning overseas launches of the solution in the near future after successfully introducing it in the Korean market.
Doosan’s statement quoted an executive of the company as saying: “Concept-X is a comprehensive control solution that encompasses the entire construction process, including drone-based surveys, automatic analysis of topographical data, construction planning, and unmanned construction machinery and control centre operations. We will launch various solutions in stages even before the full-scale commercialization of Concept-X, with the launch of XiteCloud marking the very first step towards that goal.”