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Spanish researchers convert waste to construction material

Tecnalia is looking for ways to recycle waste into construction materials.

Spanish private technology centre, Tecnalia has embarked on a project aimed at converting urban and agricultural waste into high-performance products for the construction sector.

The research is based on the revalorisation of the inorganic fraction of wheat straw, and the production of cellulose nano-fibres out of recycled paper.

Once isolated, the two compounds will become high-performance additives in new polymeric composites, which can be used in the development of dividing panels for compartmentalisation and profiles for decking and fencing.

These materials will be developed within the framework of Innovative Biocomposites (INNOBITE), a European Commission FP7 collaborative project co-participated by several research centres and European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Industry experts expect the knowledge developed within the INNOBITE project to generate new business opportunities for existing industries in the construction sector, allowing them to diversify into new markets.

It will also promote the creation of new companies, models and business areas.

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