
Abu Dhabi prepares for new building codes

The Abu Dhabi Department of Municipal Affairs has embarked on the second phase of its largest-ever training programme to prepare the consruction industry

The Abu Dhabi Department of Municipal Affairs has embarked on the second phase of its largest-ever training programme to prepare the consruction industry for new building code regulations due to be launched at the beginning of 2011.

The workshops started last month and will run until mid- November in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. Eight experts from the International Code Council (ICC) will lead the sessions that are designed to ensure that trade professionals are ready to comply with the regulations.

“The new building codes warrant the largest training of its kind to take place in the UAE,” said His Excellency Ahmed Shareef, who is Undersecretary of the DMA, and also a member of the Abu Dhabi Building Codes Higher Council.

“Our message to the construction industry is clear: take advantage of this opportunity to get ready for the new codes. Right now, we are in a process of consultation and training with our industry partners. By taking the journey towards better buildings together, we can ensure that the transition to the new codes will be a smooth one."

Delegates from the municipal system, relevant government entities, and the construction industry attended the first series of workshops.

Eng. Ghaleb Al Rawi, who participated in one of the workshops and is an Architectural Master’s degree holder and a specialist at Atkins engineering consultancy, noted that his company is working hard to become ready and prepared for the building codes compliance phase.

Following on from these first workshops will be a suite of further training courses such as the International Fire Code, International Energy Conservation Code fundamentals and International Building Codes.

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