
MODON awards Qassim 2nd Industrial City contracts

Industrial City will focus on industrial wood products, paper and construction materials

Saudi Industrial Property Authority (MODON) has awarded contracts worth a total of $18.13m for the implementation of infrastructure projects in the Qassim 2nd Industrial City.

The first deal,which includes the development of the first phase of the Qassim 2nd Industrial City on an area of 1.3 million m2, involves the development of internal roads, a network of streets that connect the industrial city from inside, with roads of varying widths ranging from 25m to 60m, pavements and electricity feeder network, street lighting works and road networks. It is set to be completed by next year.

The second contract is for a 4.075km road that will link the Industrial City with the Riyadh/Qassim highway.

The Qassim 2nd Industrial City will focus on industrial wood products and furniture, paper and its products, printing and publishing, chemical products, plastics, construction materials including ceramics, glass, metal and metal products, machinery and equipment, among others.

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