Alstom signs MoU with government of Iraq for development of urban transport

MoU covers an elevated train and a metro system

Alstom has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the government of Iraq, as per a statement on its website. The MoU covers two main projects and was signed during the Franco-Iraqi government authorities meeting, with Dr. Sami Al Araji, head of National Investment Committee of Iraq and Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, French Secretary of State in attendance.
Both projects are expected to contribute significantly to the development of Iraq’s economy and urban infrastructure.
“We appreciate the opportunity to develop industrial cooperation with the Republic of Iraq, in order to better address the country’s needs for urban transportation. Alstom is ready to bring its innovative technologies and sees the signature of this MoU as a first step towards the development of a long-term partnership with Iraq”, said Bernard Peille, managing director of Alstom in Western & Central Asia.
The first project is a 20km elevated train in Baghdad and Alstom will be responsible for supplying rolling stock, electromechanical systems, tracks and associated civil works. This rail system will link Al-Mustansirya, AlShab, Al-Wazyria, Alsarafia AlEtafia bridge, Al-Khadumia, AlMuthana airport and Al-Alawi.
The second project is the development of a Metro System in Basra. This system will consist of two elevated lines of approximately 30km each, 15 stations and one depot for each line from North to South, from Zubair to Shat Alarab and from East to West, from Karma to the desert.