Abu Dhabi issues 244 notices for building site offences

Municipality crackdown on construction sites in Al Shamkha South to curb malpractices

Abu Dhabi City Municipality (ADM) has cracked down on building sites in Al Shamkha South in order to curb malpractices in breach of the law governing construction works, according to UAE state news agency WAM.
The campaign is also meant to verify the enforcement of public safety and environmental protection laws around construction sites under the provisions of Building Works Law No. 4 of 1983 and its executive regulations, it was reported.
Municipal inspectors issued 244 offence notices related to non-compliance of the law applicable by ADM for construction sites, WAM said. The civic body highlighted the importance of fulfilling all building requirements as well as health and safety regulations and environment conservation laws, be it at construction sites or when transporting and dumping construction waste.
The municipality called on the owners and workers at construction sites to actively support its efforts to maintain public safety, provide the highest standards of safety and security at all construction sites, and comply with the waste transporting and dumping requirements.