Work on Bahraini sewerage network on schedule

46% of the project has already been completed, ministry says

Work on the sewerage network in the A’Ali area of Bahrain is on schedule, with 46% of the project already completed, the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning has said.
Nazha Abu Hindi, the sanitary engineering planning and projects director at the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, said that the $406,518 project is being implemented by Tylos Excavations.
In a statement, the ministry said that the scope of work includes extending the 645m long main connections, as well as the 535m long sub-connections, along with constructing 71 inspection chambers and connecting 60 houses to the network in Block 748.
So far, the 600m-long main and sub-connections have been extended, and 19 inspection chambers have been constructed, in addition to connecting two houses to the network, it added.