
Saudi Aramco to upgrade Riyadh refinery

Tender to be floated by the end of the month for engineering, procurement and construction contracts

A tender is set to be floated by Saudi Aramco by the end of this month for the engineering, procurement and construction contracts for the $700m-$1bn Clean Transportation Fuels Project (CTFP) at the company’s refinery in Riyadh.

The project is part of Aramco’s plan to reduce the sulphur content in the gasoline and diesel it produces, according to MEED.

Last year, US-based FosterWheeler was awarded the Front-end Engineering and Design (FEED) contract for the project. The winner of the contract will be responsible for setting up new isomerisation units, naphtha splitting and sulphur guard-bed units, as well as building a diesel hydrotreater reactor.

Other work includes the debottlenecking of the hydrocracker and gas concentration units, and replacement of crude and vacuum distillation tower internals.


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