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Emirates Solar Industry Association receives legal backing

Global law firm Taylor Wessing has joined forces with the Emirates Solar Industry Association (ESIA) to help support the development of a solar industry in the Gulf region.

The non-profit NGO provides networking opportunities for its members and assistance to international solar companies looking to establish a presence in the region. The body also published white papers and research reports with a view to assisting policy makers. Taylor Wessing says the partnership will provide ESIA with the same legal support as its green clients in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

“Joining ESIA is a natural step given our track record in this sector and commitment to the environment,” commented TW energy specialist Michael Krämer.

“We look forward to making a positive contribution and are confident that our membership of this important group will help us bring further value to our clients in the sustainability sector,” Krämer added.

According to a report conducted by the United Nations Development Programme, the pace of investment in renewable energy in the Middle East is three times the global rate.

Michael Krämer explains the partnership, potential and regional solar industry in more detail in February issue of The Big Project.







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