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Cityscape Abu Dhabi: Masdar City expansion plans approved

The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) has approved detailed master plans for phases two and five of Masdar City, it was announced at the Cityscape show in the UAE capital.

Around 35% of the planned built-up area of the sustainable city will be completed over the next five years, and nearly 30% has been committed to, including private homes, schools, hotels and more office space.

Phase two of Masdar City will comprise of a research and development cluster that will be built around many of its existing pilot research projects. It will be served by a residential community that includes 2,000 apartments, a GEMS Education school, restaurants, cafes and parkland.

Phase five is primarily villas and townhouses surrounded by recreational amenities and green open spaces.

Commenting on the announcement, Anthony Mallows, Masdar City executive director, said: “Obtaining the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council’s approval of the detailed master plans for phase two and five opens the way for the future ambitious expansion of Masdar City, and is further evidence of our commitment to realise the world’s most sustainable urban development.

“Masdar City aspires to be a model for the way our cities are built in the future, setting new standards for reducing energy and water demand, waste and carbon emissions. We look forward to becoming the first development in the UAE to achieve the 4 Pearl Estidama Community, working in partnership with the UPC.”

Mohamed Al Khadar, executive director for Urban Development & Estidama Sector at UPC, said: “The approval of the detailed master plans for phase two and five of Masdar City is an important milestone for the development of Masdar City, which is a vital component of Plan Capital 2030, and of the UPC’s vision to create sustainable, safe, walkable and attractive neighbourhoods for all Abu Dhabi residents.”

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