DUBAL employees’ ‘Green Idea’ recognised

Dubai Aluminium Company staff earn ‘green idea of the year’ and ‘team idea of the year’

Employees at Dubai Aluminium Company (DUBAL) won the titles of ‘Green Idea of the Year’ and ‘Team Idea of the Year’ at the 68th USA Employee Involvement Association (EIA) competition, held last month.
The Green Idea of the Year suggestion was submitted by two mechanical technicians and a maintenance technician. The technicians suggested modifying welded fume ducts with a flange to allow easier maintenance and eliminate hazardous emissions.
The second category ‘Team Idea of the Year’ competition involved fabricating an efficient multiple-use table pre-heater. Three technicians proposed an in-house designed pre-heater for multiple billet casting tables to reduce gas consumption, minimise transportation and reduce pre-heating time by 60%.
“The DUBAL Suggestion Scheme was introduced in 1981 to engage and empower employees to put forward their ideas for improving the business. This international acknowledgement could not have been possible without the technical expertise and the commitment of our employees. The success of the scheme is due to our talented employees,” said DUBAL president and CEO Abdulla Kalban .
The submissions beat competition from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Honda America, the US Army and Commercial Bank.