
EmiratesGBC signs MoU with International Living Future Institute

ILFI’s Zero Energy (ZE) and Zero Carbon (ZC) Certifications to be adapted for the UAE market

Billed as a move that will shine a light on decarbonising the UAE’s built environment, the Emirates Green Building Council (EmiratesGBC) has signed a MoU with the International Living Future Institute (ILFI). The deal will see the ILFI and EmiratesGBC partner on the development of ILFI’s Zero Energy (ZE) and Zero Carbon (ZC) Certifications, which will be adapted for the UAE market and launched during the Living Future UnConference in 2019.

ILFI and EmiratesGBC will also raise awareness around the ZE and ZC certificates among industry stakeholders, and the Council will act as the exclusive auditor of the two certifications in the UAE.

The MoU between EmiratesGBC and ILFI is said to be an important step for the Council, as it will align with efforts to transform the UAE’s construction industry, and support advanced climate action by setting targets to eliminate operational carbon emissions from new building portfolios by 2030. It will also advocate for all existing buildings to be net zero by 2050.

“Our partnership with the International Living Future Institute is an affirmation of the Council’s leading role in advancing toward a net zero carbon-built environment in the UAE, in line with World Green Building Council’s net zero targets and Paris Agreement goals. The MoU is a foundational step in transforming the UAE built environment towards decarbonisation and the fulfilling of Dubai’s goal of having the lowest carbon footprint worldwide by 2050,” said Saeed Al Abbar, chairman of EmiratesGBC.

Additionally, the collaboration is in support of the work of EmiratesGBC’s ‘Net Zero Centre of Excellence’. The centre is set-up to be a think-tank/accelerator which provides a platform for government, academia and the private sector to learn and share knowledge on how to advance net zero carbon buildings in the UAE.

The MOU with ILFI delivers on the objectives of the Centre of Excellence to engage as many entities as possible in this global movement toward net zero.

“We are thrilled to see the United Arab Emirates embrace its commitment to zero carbon buildings through this new partnership between the International Living Future Institute and EmiratesGBC. This is a model for how other countries can adopt proven approaches that can be adapted to local contexts,” added Amanda Sturgeon, CEO of ILFI.

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